Remember who the F you are
I didn’t sleep well Monday night. I woke up at 2:17 a.m. (isn't it funny how we remember the exact times?!) and the last time I saw as I...
Born a Southern Belle, I'm a Floridian at heart, obsessed with sunshine, ocean, and adventure. From my experiences as a woman & entrepreneur, I hope to inspire, motivate, and spread positive vibes.
So if you are in to that, stay tuned!
The significance of cultivating meaningful relationships
The transformative impact of vulnerability in both personal and professional domains
Embracing risks, authenticity, and living a life without constraints
I highly recommend any book by John Maxwell but this is his latest. A sweet friend gifted it to me for my birthday recently. In a divided world where there is often an "us vs. them" approach on topics, Maxwell encourages leaders to take the high road. Per Maxwell, "High Road Leadership is where they value all people, help others win first, and give without expectation of anything in return. It's a mindset that lifts people up and brings everyone together."
And I think we all can agree that the world needs more of that.