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Gratitude. Grateful, thankful, blessed. These words have become trendy over the past few years and you see social media full of the hashtags in post after post - #blessed #thankful #grateful. But what does it all really mean? Are we truly in states of gratitude frequently, or does it just sound good and make for a better IG post?

Merriam Webster defines gratitude as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

The first part, yes. That's what most people would agree on. The latter part of the definition struck me though. readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. How many of us can say that we go beyond just being thankful and are ready to show appreciation and return kindness? I would like to say this is me (who wouldn't?), but am I really doing this? What better way to track this than in a new year, new me fashion and make it one of my 2020 goals - start a gratitude journal.

I have to admit, January came in hot, and I didn't actually get this started until January 6, but gotta start somewhere, right?

So what was I actually going to capture and journal each day? I borrowed some ideas from Tim Ferris' book, Tool of Titans, and came up with some of my own. Below is what I came up with....

Each morning I start the day answering the following questions:

  • What am I grateful for today?

1. Something good that happened yesterday.

2. An opportunity I have this week that I am looking forward to.

3. An answered prayer/good news

  • Who needs extra prayers today?




  • What goal do I want to work on and how will I measure progress?

  • Identify 1 person I will text/call/write a letter to today.

  • What is today's power word?

I decided to also end the day reflecting on what went well, and with a little accountability to make sure I followed through on my intentions. Some days I don't, but the evening reflection time gives me the opportunity to remember it and maybe take action then, or roll my goal/intention to the next day.

Below is what I capture in the evenings:

  • 3 highlights from today:




  • Did I pray?

  • Did I make contact with the 1 person?

  • Did I progress towards my goal?

  • What word would I use to describe today?

  • Who did I show kindness to today?

  • Who showed kindness to me?

And so I am over a month in now, and how is it going? So far I have been fairly consistent. Mornings are easier to remember than the evenings. I typically do this before or after my devotion time.

I am really glad I started this. I find myself reflecting more and reaching out to people to say hello, offer encouragement, etc. It's a great way to start the day. Are you ready to start your gratitude journey? Shoot me a note and let me know your thoughts.

Xo - Holly B


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